Ensign of The People and for The Nations
In Isaiah 11:10-12, it talks about 2 kinds of ensigns, an ensign of the people and an ensign for the nations.
There are two correct ways to pronounce ensign: ɛnsaɪn and ɛnsən. According to several websites, the first, with the strong I sound, is the pronunciation in England and the second is the pronunciation in America. However, I am American and I never pronounced it the second way.
The root word is 'sign' and the original roots of the word come from the 1400s and have the same roots as the words signal and insignia. It came to be related to a flag, banner, or standard, specifically, one that would be carried by an officer in an army. In effect, when the ensign, or flag, of the officer would be raised, all of the warriors under that officer would gather to the ensign to be counted and organized. The general, or higher ranking officer, would look out and see the ensigns and know that everyone was organized and ready. Then when the call came for the battle, they would proceed to the battle in an orderly fashion following their respective ensigns.
The second meaning of the word came to be associated with the officer who carried the ensign. These were the lowest ranking officers over a company in the army with a captain and lieutenant over him commanding the same company. They would command around 100 men, this number being chosen because it was few enough men for the officer to know all of the names of those under his command.
In Isaiah 11:10, the reference to an ensign is clearly talking about a person, the one who is the standard bearer, the person who is holding up the banner and to whom the peoples, nations, or gentiles seek. This person will also have a glorious rest. It is interesting to me that this Root of Jesse does not appear to be referring to Christ Himself but to another. In Isaiah 11:12, the reference to an ensign is clearly referring to the object being raised up; this could be symbolic of Christ Himself, but regardless of what it symbolizes, it is being used to signal a gathering of Israel.
YouTube video: What Is an Ensign?