
Showing posts from 2024

Ensign of The People and for The Nations

In Isaiah 11:10-12 , it talks about 2 kinds of ensigns, an ensign of the people and an ensign for the nations.  There are two correct ways to pronounce ensign: ɛnsaɪn and ɛnsən. According to several websites, the first, with the strong I sound, is the pronunciation in England and the second is the pronunciation in America. However, I am American and I never pronounced it the second way. The root word is 'sign' and the original roots of the word come from the 1400s and have the same roots as the words signal and insignia. It came to be related to a flag, banner, or standard, specifically, one that would be carried by an officer in an army. In effect, when the ensign, or flag, of the officer would be raised, all of the warriors under that officer would gather to the ensign to be counted and organized. The general, or higher ranking officer, would look out and see the ensigns and know that everyone was organized and ready. Then when the call came for the battle, they would proceed

New Testament Witness of Kingdoms of Glory - Luke 15

The New Testament has very little direct reference to understanding the organization of the Kingdom of God the way that it has since been revealed to Joseph Smith. But now that we know more about how the Kingdom of God is organized, we can look back and understand more clearly what was meant by Jesus. In Luke 15, it is instructive to note that it is one parable with three sections. This becomes clear when we look at verse 3 where it says, "he spake this parable [singular] unto them." There is also a very clear single theme of saving that which is lost throughout the whole parable. It is clear that this parable is talking about heaven because it has direct reference to heaven in three verses (7, 18, 21) and talks about "in the presence of the angels of God" which is understood to also be in heaven. (10) The first part represents the highest kingdom in God's kingdom (celestial kingdom) where many are compared to sheep and are righteous; and, the chosen who go astr

Degrees of Glory (My Wiki Page Edit)

  Degrees of glory This is a modified version of the Wikipedia page of the same title taken on February 16th, 2024. This is the way I would modify the article to be more doctrinally accurate and correct. In the  theology and cosmology  of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in heaven there are three degrees of glory (alternatively, kingdoms of glory ) which are the ultimate, eternal dwelling places for nearly all who will have lived on earth after they are resurrected from the spirit world . A depiction of the Plan of Salvation , as illustrated by me. Members of the largest denomination in the Latter Day Saint movement , The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) believe that the apostle Paul briefly described the degrees of glory in heaven in 1 Corinthians 15:40-42, and in 2 Corinthians 12:2. Joseph Smith received a vision with Sidney Rigdon in 1832 which enhances the understanding of heaven and recorded it in Doctrine and Cove