Respect for Authority

One of the ten commandments is "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." This commandment is the premise for a topic that occupies my mind often.

Respect for authority is a gospel principle that applies to all areas of life.

  • Family authority
  • Government authority
  • Church authority

At certain periods for life

  • School authorities
  • Employment authority

The obedience of the two thousand stripling warriors saved their own lives and the lives of many others as well as the freedom of their country.

There is only one authority that trumps all the others and it is God's authority. But God usually works with the other authorities. When the underlings are faithful to God, He inspires the leaders. If they are not acting according to His will he deals with them in His own manner and it is not for us to usurp authority or take it upon ourselves to correct the situation without direct inspiration through the means and in the manner that He has prescribed.
