Philosophy, Art then Science
I love finding patterns. In life, I have found many patterns; patterns for how things are made, how things are done, etc. One pattern that I have found in many places I call a ‘set of three.’ This pattern takes many forms but is fundamentally the same.
1) The first item is the most fundamental of the three and is a precursor to the second.
2) The second item is central to the set of three, is a precursor to the third, and connects the first and third, usually through action.
3) The third is the culmination and completion of the set, often the refining or perfecting of the set.
At a school assembly two quarters ago Dr. Riekeman (president of Life University) showed a TEDx talk by Simon Sinek called “How great leaders inspire action.” Simon shows a pattern which he calls ‘the golden circle’ of human motivation. He draws three circles, one inside the other. The center circle has ‘Why’, the middle circle has ‘How’, and the outer circle has ‘What’. He insists that the order is vitally important; for, he implies, those who reverse the order, fail, whether it be advertiser or leader.
He knows that the natural order of things is that the purpose behind the product or movement is fundamental; this ‘why’ drives people’s behavior. Acting on a solid, fundamental purpose starts to give it form; this ‘how’ moves the purpose into being. The ‘why’ gives the direction, the ‘how’ gives the momentum, and the ‘what’ “simply serves as the proof of what you believe.” When the purpose has been built into its final form there is a ‘what’ to show for it.
As this is true with motivation, so it is true with chiropractic. The philosophy of chiropractic is the ‘why’, the art of chiropractic is the ‘how’, and the science of chiropractic is the ‘what’. We would not practice the clinical art if we did not first believe that it could help people heal. We would not have a truly refined science if the art was not practiced and tested on many individuals first.
We may say: Why is this patient in my office? It is because of a subluxation preventing innate intelligence from expressing itself fully. Let’s remove the subluxation so the body can heal itself. How? Well, let’s try this technique, or that. Then, let’s refine the techniques so a science can evolve explaining what we must do to effectively remove the subluxation in the future. BJ Palmer understood this when he said that we must “develop this philosophy and art that it would be made scientific.” (Vol XVIII p49)
DD Palmer showed this pattern on Harvey Lillard. He believed that Harvey’s body should be able to heal itself and thought something was preventing that - philosophy. He found a bone out of place and convinced Harvey to allow him to move it back into place - art. Harvey’s hearing returned - science. Later, the philosophy was refined. Currently the arts are being refined. The science, or fact, is mounting that proves that the philosophy is sound because people are healing better and more effectively.
Simon Sinek said “people don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” Stay rooted in the philosophy of chiropractic and learn how to sell this to people. Then, give it form in their lives by moving it to a refined clinical art or technique. Many people will then experience the science as their bodies heal under your care and confirm that the philosophy is sound. We will fulfill our purpose as doctors by allowing their bodies to heal.