
Showing posts from August, 2024

Alma 36 Parallels God's Plan

Alma 36 amazes me yet again. Not only does it show the process of repentance, it's literary genre is of the chiastic style, also called chiasmus, which in and of itself is pretty amazing. But I recently discovered a parallel with Alma 36 and the plan of salvation which I'm going to share here. I propose that Alma 36 not only represents and symbolizes the steps of the process of repentance, but also at the same time, outlines God's plan of salvation. The structure for this plan of salvation outline is a seven structure, which I've talked about in previous blog posts ( Basic , Kingdom ) and will not go into here; but I created this visual aid to match the seven structure I have repeatedly found in scripture. Alma 36 is no exception; and when I map it to the plan of salvation, it maps quite nicely. For those who haven't read my blog posts in the past, here's the visual aid. The division of verses that map Alma 36 to the plan of salvation are as follows: