The False Doctrine of Telestial Glory
Their are many who are wicked in this life, who will remain wicked after they die, never accepting Jesus, but not denying or rejecting the Holy Ghost. They will be capable of being saved, and be clean and spotless before God at the judgement day, because they will have paid the penalty of their transgressions which alone cleanses them. They will do this by suffering the wrath of God and the vengeance of eternal fire for their own sins for a thousand years which will cleanse them and justify them before God. They will not rely on the sufferings, mercies, or merits of Jesus because they rejected Him, His testimony, His gospel, His prophets, and His everlasting covenant in this life and the next. While remaining in their wicked state, yet being saved, they will receive a portion of God's glory, but certainly not a fullness. They will receive glory because they were not as wicked as the sons of perdition and yet they will still be in hell, incapable of being good. They will still be liars, sorcerers, adulterers, and whoremongers at heart and will have wicked hearts and intentions. In their wickedness they will be able to stand in the presence of God the Holy Ghost, but not in the presence of God the Son or God the Father. They will be wicked servants of the Most High and receive ministering angels from those who do believe in Jesus in the terrestrial kingdom, yet they still will not accept Him.
I have written the above paragraph as an exercise to see if you can spot what is false and what is true. Normally in my blog posts I go into detail answering everything that is incorrect or inaccurate. This time I am going to leave that for a future blog post. I suspect most members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will find two things that at least sound odd. How many will you find? Are there two? Are there more than two? Are they just odd or are they wrong? Can you back it up with scripture? I suspect if you are looking to non-scriptural sources you will only get confused. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if non-latter-day saints would do a better job of picking out what is wrong with the above paragraph. Just so you know, I have heard every concept presented above from some members of the church. Feel free to comment.
The follow up post is: The False Doctrine of Telestial Glory Detailed Out