Disclaimer - Baptism for The Whole Kingdom of God
This is a disclaimer with regards to my many posts about baptism as a requirement for entrance into the kingdom of God. Not the celestial kingdom only, but also the terrestrial and telestial kingdoms - the whole kingdom of God and not just a part of it.
In many of my posts I sound strong. That is on purpose. I am the most vocal person on this topic that I have found from a Google search. Part of my boldness comes from illogical push back that I have received from people primarily relying on Joseph Fielding Smith's opinions and not on scripture. It is my opinion against his. His holds more weight because he has held a position of authority, but mine has more logic.
In either case, I believe that going back to the revelations is best and if new revelation comes out, then it will clarify understanding even more. If I was told to stop broadcasting my opinion about this by one of my priesthood leaders I would un-publish every blog post that I have written on the subject. I do not feel that my opinion has any weight over instructions from living priesthood authorities of God. I admit that this willingness does not show in much of my writings. That is the reason for this disclaimer.
I support and sustain the living prophet and apostles. I believe in all of the prophets and apostles that have ever lived. However, I also believe that they learn line upon line and are entitled to opinions that are not doctrine. I believe that this topic is one of those where one or two apostles had a misunderstanding of doctrine and formed an opinion on the topic and wrote about it. If my understanding is flawed, I am still entitled to my opinion. I believe that my opinion is based on scripture and modern revelation and so did they. In time all things will be revealed (see Matt 10:26, Luke 8:17, 12:2, D&C 101:32)