The Plans of Redemption and Salvation

I decided to search the scriptures for every instance of the terms redeemed and redemption as well as saved and salvation. According to the scriptures, redemption brings about both resurrection and salvation. Resurrection is the redemption from the fall. It is never said that we are saved from the fall - this is not the case. We are redeemed from the fall which brings all men back into the presence of God. Redemption from the fall is not complete until we, all of God's children who come to earth, are standing in the presence of God.

However, redemption and salvation are essentially the same thing when it comes to personal sins. The redemption brings about salvation of those who believe and are baptized. Those who go the the Telestial kingdom are saved. Those who go to outer darkness are the only ones that are not saved from the second death, they are damned. They are redeemed from "the fall" but not from their fall.

It is not possible to say redeemed from the second death because in order to be redeemed one must be in a state or condition from which to be redeemed. No one can be redeemed from the second death. We can be saved from it, because it has not come upon us already. We can be redeemed from a sinful state and saved from its punishments. We are redeemed from a fallen state, to the state that we were in before, and through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. We are saved from the punishment (the demands of justice), to a kingdom of glory, and through the power of the redemption.

As I was searching the New Testament, I was made aware of why there is so much confusion in the world about salvation. In the gospels alone there are only about ten instructive instances talking about salvation or being saved (using those words). Only one mentions baptism and that is the only instance in the whole New Testament. About half the time when these words are used they are not instructive as to how to be saved.

The reason I started to do this is because I was reading Mormon 9 which seemed to support Alma 42 which indicates that there is a difference between the plan of salvation and the plan of redemption. The plan of redemption is larger and encompasses, or includes, the plan of salvation. The plan of salvation cannot be brought about without the plan of redemption but the plan of redemption can be brought about, in part, without the plan of salvation.
