Submitting an Expense Reimbursement Request
There are a few ways to submit a reimbursement request for expenses incurred as part of your calling. If you are in a leadership calling, you should have access to submit a request directly from the church website (under Tools >> Leader and Clerk Resources >> Finances after you log in) or in the Member Tools app ( Apple , Google See 'Enter Expenses' below). If you are not a leader you can submit your receipts to a leader of your organization (1st preference) or directly to the bishopric, ward clerk, or ward assistant clerk over finances (2nd preference). The reason for submitting directly to your organization's leader (president, counselors, or secretary) is so they can keep track of your organization's budget and make sure you don't go over budget. Before you submit, make sure that you have a receipt or receipts which show who is being payed, what is being paid for, and all of the values of the expense. If there are only select items being reimburs...