
Showing posts from August, 2020

To Deny or Receive the Holy Ghost

I believe that the opposite of denying the Holy Ghost is receiving the Holy Ghost, that is through baptism. Everyone will have the choice to either receive or deny the Holy Ghost, there is no in between. The only exception to the water baptism requirement is outlined in the scriptures and I believe that those who do not need water baptism (because they don't need to repent) will choose to receive the Holy Ghost through whatever other means God has provided. This is a little confusing, possibly, because Jesus needed baptism to be saved but did not need to repent. However, the only exceptions are to those not accountable. Christ was accountable. The only reason that there are exceptions is because the merits and mercies of Christ save all those who are not accountable for sins, their own or that of others.

The False Doctrine of Telestial Glory Detailed Out

I created a paragraph in a previous blog post titled,  The False Doctrine of Telestial Glory , which is considered to be completely true by some members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I created it as an exercise to see if you could spot what was false and what was true. If you haven't done that, go ahead and read it, then come back to this post after you have tested your own knowledge of the telestial kingdom. The False Doctrine of Telestial Glory In reality every sentence of the paragraph was false doctrine. I will outline the details here:       "Their are many who are wicked in this life, who will remain wicked after they die, never accepting Jesus, but not denying or rejecting the Holy Ghost." This is false because all those who remain wicked, deny and reject the Holy Ghost in their wicked nature. The Holy Ghost does not dwell in unholy temples. For someone to choose wickedness, they inherently reject the Holy Ghost. I don't know where th...