
Showing posts from March, 2015

There Are No Dumb Questions...

The common saying is that there are no dumb or stupid questions. I disagree with that. I think there are several dumb questions. For example: 1 A question where the answer is already known and it is not being used as a teaching tool or as a self-reflection exercise. 2 A question where the person asking don't really want to know the answer. 3 A question that is intended to incite confusion or contention or to be annoying. This could include asking a question where the person asked does not know the answer and it is known by the person asking that they cannot get the answer. 4 A question that is manipulative or forceful, attempting to coerce a person into giving an answer that they do not believe or would regret. 5 A question intended to show intellectual superiority or power over another person. 6 A leading question could go one way or the other. It would be a dumb question if it is based on faulty logic, or if the implied answer is wrong. As an example, in a previous blog p...

Do Translated Beings Die?

In the scriptures sometimes there appear to be verses that contradict each other. Death is one of those topics. I will show two sets of verses that appear to contradict and then show a correct understanding of them. All Die It is stated in several scriptures that every person who has, does, and will ever live on this earth will die. 1 Cor. 15:22 - For as in Adam all die. Job 34:15 - All flesh shall perish together, and man shall turn again unto dust. 2 Ne. 9:6 - Death hath passed upon all men. Alma 12:24,27 - And we see that death comes upon mankind ... it was appointed unto men that they must die. Apparent Contradiction In these verses it appears that a few people will not die. 1 Corinthians 15:51-3 - We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this...


Today at church one person was making a comment about angels. Part of what he said was that angels are a different race. This is not true. The idea that they are a different race is not a principle taught in Christ's church but is a philosophy that is taught by at least one other church that I can think of. I even know what verse they misinterpret to claim that angels are a different race. Here is what I know about angels. There are two types of angels, each with sub-types: There are angels who are spirits with no body and angels who are spirits with bodies. Those who do not have a body are of two types: those who have not yet been to earth to receive a body but will, and those who have been to earth and have died. Those who do have a body are of two types: those who are mortal and those who are immortal, meaning they have been resurrected. Those who are mortal include those who are transfigured or translated. All of these angels are children of God, just as you and I are...