Provident Living - Physical Health
It is hard for you to live an abundant life which can provide for others if you are not self-reliant. It is hard to be self-reliant if you are not healthy. It is hard to be healthy when you don't know how. Health Why is physical health so important? Let's look at the big picture. God's Purpose ( Moses 1:39 ) Prerequisites Requirements Immortality Mortality Body Eternal Life Earth Life Community (Body of Christ) We are concerned with the health of the body because it is something that we will always have and we must learn to use it wisely. It is the first gift that God has given us on this earth. Let's look at the creation of health by following the pattern that God has given us in the creation of the world: Creation of the World ( Gen 1:1- 2:3 ) Creation of Health Planet - Heaven and Earth ( Gen 1:1-5 ) G roundwork - Spirit and Body Firmament ( Gen 1:6-8 ) E n...