Exaltation vs Eternal Life
This post was spawned from the following question: If Eternal Life is the greatest of God's gifts (as D&C 14:7 says), what does that make Exaltation? My first thoughts about this question cause me to think: If it is the greatest gift then it is would seem to me to be the top glory of the Celestial Kingdom because how can you get better than that. If it is living in God the Father's presence then it is the same as living in the Celestial kingdom. If it is simply living in God's presence then it is synonymous with salvation or(aka) any of the kingdoms in the kingdom of God. Exaltation was not clearly defined in my mind either. I've heard that the endowment and sealing ordinances are exalting ordinances whereas baptism is a saving ordinance, well, the only saving ordinance. But given Elder Nelson's definition from April 2008 , the sealing ordinance is the only exalting ordinance (my interpretation of his definition). Although, we can't receive it witho...